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Comunicati stampa

Investimenti indispensabili nell’educazione, nella ricerca e nell’innovazione

Il settore dell’educazione, della ricerca e dell’innovazione (settore ERI) deve affrontare un freno finanziario: secondo la pianificazione del Consiglio federale, nel 2025 saranno investite meno risorse nel settore ERI rispetto al 2024. È la prima volta dagli anni ’90 che le scuole universitarie e le organizzazioni che promuovono la ricerca e l’innovazione disporranno complessivamente di ...

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Anna Fontcuberta i Morral nominata nuova presidente del Politecnico federale di Losanna

Nominata per un mandato ordinario di quattro anni, Fontcuberta i Morral è una ricercatrice di grande fama e talento. Ha saputo posizionare il suo laboratorio per semiconduttori in vetta alla classifica mondiale delle nanotecnologie sostenibili ed è stata cofondatrice della start-up di successo Aonex Technologies. In qualità di sostituta vicepresidente per i centri e le ...

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Positivo l’andamento del Settore dei PF

Con le loro priorità di ricerca, gli istituti del settore dei Politecnici federali (PF) forniscono un importante contributo nei campi dell’energia, della sostenibilità, dell’intelligenza artificiale e della ricerca spaziale e quantistica. Il Settore dei PF sviluppa e gestisce infrastrutture di ricerca altamente specializzate e le mette a disposizione della comunità scientifica svizzera e internazionale. I ...

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I tagli pianificati nel Settore dei PF hanno ripercussioni su progetti di importanza strategica

Le riduzioni di budget della Confederazione compromettono l’adempimento dei compiti A partire dal 2025 il Settore dei PF avrà ogni anno circa 100 milioni di franchi in meno a disposizione rispetto a quanto previsto. A causa di una riduzione una tantum di altri 100 milioni di franchi per il 2025, l’anno prossimo i tagli complessivi ...

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24 professoresse e professori nominati ai due PF

Nuove nomine all’ETH di Zurigo La dott.ssa Laura Bégon-Lours (*1989), attualmente senior assistant presso l’ETH di Zurigo, è nominata professoressa assistente di elettronica neuromorfica con gli ossidi presso il Dipartimento di informatica e ingegneria elettrica. L’attività di ricerca di Laura Bégon-Lours si focalizza sullo sviluppo e sull’utilizzo di componenti su scala nanometrica che possono essere ...

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Consulenza scientifica in caso di crisi

Le istituzioni del settore dell'istruzione, della ricerca e dell'innovazione (FRI) accolgono con favore la proposta di attuazione per il coinvolgimento degli organi di consulenza scientifica nelle crisi, approvata dal Consiglio federale.

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Il Consiglio federale nomina Christian Rüegg per un altro mandato alla guida del PSI

L’8 dicembre 2023 il Consiglio federale ha rinnovato a Christian Rüegg l’incarico di dirigere il PSI per altri quattro anni a partire dal 1° aprile 2024. Il PSI è il più grande istituto di ricerca in scienze naturali e ingegneristiche della Svizzera.

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Il Consiglio dei PF discute la struttura ottimale per essere attrezzato per le sfide del futuro

Nella sua sessione del 6 e 7 dicembre 2023, il Consiglio dei PF ha discusso le sfide future a cui sarà confrontata la società e come il Settore dei PF le possa affrontare con una struttura ottimale. In parallelo sta portando avanti un dialogo con diversi partner e stakeholder.

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14 professoresse e professori nominati ai due PF

Il Consiglio dei PF ha nominato 4 professoresse e 10 professori, assegnato a una persona il titolo di Professor of Practice e ringraziato i 11 professori uscenti.

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Il Consiglio dei PF ribadisce il suo appello a una rapida associazione al pacchetto Horizon Europe

Il Consiglio dei PF accoglie con favore gli sviluppi delle relazioni tra la Svizzera e l’Unione europea comunicati dal Consiglio federale e dalla Commissione europea.

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Riesame della struttura del Settore dei PF

Su mandato del Consiglio federale e su raccomandazione di perizie internazionali, il Consiglio dei PF e le istituzioni del Settore dei PF stanno riesaminando l’attuale struttura del Settore dei PF.

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Strategia di cooperazione internazionale 2025-2028: presa di posizione

Il Consiglio dei PF ritiene essenziale che la DSC e la SECO collaborino in modo più sistematico con gli attori FRI in Svizzera e che stabiliscano partenariati istituzionali per l'insegnamento e la ricerca.

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Imaging at the next level

Their names are Marianne Liebi Adrian Wanner. Two young researchers who make the nanostructure of macroscopic samples, such as bones or brain tissue, visible in three dimensions using high-resolution images.


“It all comes down to the last atom”

Empa researchers have developed novel materials made of carbon that exploit quantum effects to exhibit previously unattainable electronic and magnetic properties. The Werner Siemens Foundation is providing the CarboQuant project with a grant of CHF 15 million. Graphene, nanotechnology and quantum science are now widely used at Empa.

“The magic of 8 and 24”

Professor of number theory Maryna Viazovska has solved a mathematical problem that has stumped researchers for centuries. This achievement brought her recognition with the Fields Medal, which is something like a “Nobel Prize for Mathematics”.

Start-ups worth a billion

The institutions of the ETH Domain produce around 60 spin-offs each year. Among them, five are valued at over one billion dollars. Here is an introduction to these five “unicorns”.

“Carbon dioxide can be turned into a valuable resource”

The Swiss energy system is expected to be climate-neutral by 2050. The key to this is science: CO2 can be converted by electrolysis into raw materials for chemicals or synthetic fuels and the cost of a fossil-free energy system can be calculated using modelling.

What isotopes reveal about climate change

Matthias Saurer is a physicist and heads the WSL isotope laboratory where complex measuring procedures are used to determine plants’ isotope ratios. These provide answers to questions about the nutrient and water balance in forests, for example, and provide important foundations for environmental and climate research.

Talented mathematician and cycling sensation

Anna Kiesenhofer has a doctorate in mathematics and was doing research as a postdoc at EPFL on partial differential equations when she qualified for the cycling road race at the Olympic Games in Tokyo and won the gold medal in sensational fashion. She sees parallels between mathematics and cycling which were instrumental in her success.   

Natural toxins: from the arsenal of a bacterium

Cyanobacteria are ancient organisms. The most varied types of shells without a core, which, at high density in warm waters, can secrete complex substances and also toxins. Some are toxic to both humans and animals. Elisabeth Janssen is on the trail of these natural toxins: applied research, the results of which can be incorporated into water protection or water management.

Quantum leap in the quantum sciences

Quantum physics has a long tradition at ETH Zurich. Now it is further expanding its teaching and research activities. Around 150 students are completing the novel Master’s degree programme in Quantum Engineering, there is a “Quantum Center” and quantum computers are to be built in the ETHZ-PSI Quantum Computing Hub.

The benefits of mistakes in science

Failing to perform an experiment, considering the wrong hypothesis, having a paper rejected: failure is not only normal in science, it is also essential for cutting-edge research. What is the experience of researchers in the ETH Domain with this sensitive topic?

“Scientific cooperation is of indisputable benefit to all parties”

A pan-European initiative launched at the behest of the Swiss and British research communities calls for the two countries to be rapidly reintegrated into European science.

Next Target: Net Zero Emissions

What are the institutions of the ETH Domain doing to reduce the CO2 emissions of their buildings? An overview shows: quite a lot, from anergy and waste heat to district heating and photovoltaics.

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Contenuto web

Decisioni della Commissione di ricorso dei PF

In questa pagina sono elencate le decisioni della Commissione di ricorso dei PF dal 1° dicembre 2023, suddivise per numero di fascicolo. Per le decisioni più vecchie, clicchi qui. Le decisioni sono disponibili solo in una lingua, il tedesco o il francese.

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Valutazione intermedia del Settore dei PF

Ogni quattro anni il Settore dei PF viene sottoposto a un’accurata valutazione da parte di una commissione di esperte ed esperti nazionali e internazionali su mandato del Dipartimento federale dell’economia, della formazione e della ricerca (DEFR).

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Aree strategiche e priorità strategiche

Per l’attuale periodo ERI 2021–2024, al Settore dei PF si applicano le seguenti tre aree strategiche: medicina personalizzata e tecnologie mediche, scienza dei dati e processi di produzione avanzati. È già stato pubblicato anche il Piano strategico 2025–2028, in cui il Consiglio dei PF ha definito cinque Priorità strategiche.

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Umwelt & Energie

Der ETH-Bereich will beim Klimaschutz eine Vorreiterrolle spielen. Die beiden Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschulen sowie die vier Forschungsanstalten setzen sich gemeinsame Ziele im Bereich des Umweltschutzes und erbringen ihre Leistungen mit einem optimalen Einsatz der Ressourcen, die sie für ihren Betrieb benötigen.

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Sviluppo organizzativo del Settore dei PF

Il Consiglio dei PF sta lavorando allo sviluppo organizzativo del Settore dei PF per trovare un’organizzazione e una struttura ottimali che lo mettano in condizione di affrontare al meglio le sfide attuali e future. Il Consiglio dei PF intende creare un sistema che permetta di sfruttare le eccellenti capacità delle istituzioni del Settore dei PF per sviluppare delle soluzioni alle grandi sfide sociali del nostro tempo, come il cambiamento climatico, le nuove fonti di energia, la biodiversità, la trasformazione digitale e la cibersicurezza.

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Iniziative congiunte

Le iniziative congiunte sono iniziative su larga scala realizzate in collaborazione tra le istituzioni del Settore dei PF e con la partecipazione di partner esterni. I temi trattati dalle iniziative congiunte si riferiscono alle priorità strategiche fissate dal Consiglio dei PF.

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Valutazione intermedia 2023 del Settore dei PF

Purtroppo, il testo sottostante non è stato tradotto in italiano.Every four years, half way through its funding period, the ETH Domain undergoes a thorough evaluation by a group of national and international experts mandated by the head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER).The ETH Board would like to thank the Expert Committee of the 2023 Intermediate Evaluation for its in-depth examination of the ETH Domain and its institutions. The examination of the current strengths and weaknesses as well as the productive exchange and stimulating discussions resulted in forward-looking recommendations that are both supportive and challenging. The implementation of these recommendations will support the ETH Domain’s development to the benefit of Switzerland’s education and research sector, economy and society.The ETH Board is pleased by the experts’ overall assessment of the exceptional quality of the ETH Domain institutions. The ETH Board is also satisfied that the experts have noted significant progress since the last Intermediate Evaluation in 2019 and is aware of the need to continue its constant reflection on how best to further improve the performance and the impact of the ETH Domain and to respond to upcoming challenges.In this Response to the Recommendations of the Expert Committee, the ETH Board addresses each of the recommendations and presents its considerations and ongoing activities with regard to the points raised by the experts. This is followed by “action lines” with which the ETH Board and the ETH Domain institutions intend to address the recommendations at a general, domain-wide level. More concrete measures are subsequently developed and implemented at the level of the individual institutions.The ETH Board believes that it is crucial for the ETH Domain institutions to maintain their ability to compete with the best institutions worldwide and to remain the flagship of the Swiss education, research and innovation (ERI) sector. Through their excellence in teaching, research and knowledge and technology transfer (KTT), the institutions of the ETH Domain enhance the attractiveness of the Swiss ERI sector as well as the prosperity and competitiveness of Swiss society and the Swiss economy.In response to the Expert Committee’s report and recommendations, the ETH Board considers the following points in particular to be essential for the successful development of the ETH Domain:The institutions of the ETH Domain give the highest priority to research-based teaching. They continue to take the necessary action to maintain and improve the quality of education in the long term and in the context of a growing student population – an important contribution to help counteract the shortage of experts in Switzerland. They pay particular attention to assessing the relevance of educational programmes in light of the present and future demands of the economy, industry, research and the public sector. The institutions of the ETH Domain continue to perform research at the highest level and contribute to anticipating and resolving the most pressing local, national and global challenges. Attracting and retaining the best talent is a major condition for ensuring excellence. Another key factor in the ETH Domain’s international attractiveness are Switzerland’s first-class research infrastructures. The institutions of the ETH Domain further strengthen their leading role in conceptualising, developing, operating and upgrading large-scale research infrastructures and platforms. The institutions of the ETH Domain actively contribute to Switzerland’s innovative capacity by further strengthening their key role in knowledge and technology transfer for the benefit of the economy and industry (young companies as well as SMEs and established companies), the public sector and society. They continuously develop their KTT instruments to enable simple and straightforward processes. The ETH Board and the institutions of the ETH Domain are engaged in a future-oriented discussion on the mission of the ETH Domain and, building on this, on the question of strategic orientation and the optimal structure as one of their central tasks and responsibilities. They evaluate various options on how to best position and organise the ETH Domain to meet future needs. The institutions of the ETH Domain further strengthen an inclusive and respectful culture and working and studying environment, recognising that inclusion is key to realising the full potential of diversity. They build on existing policies to develop and implement a corresponding strategy. The institutions of the ETH Domain contribute to the translation of research into concrete solutions and policies in order to respond promptly to urgent challenges by intensifying the dialogue between academic actors, public authorities and society. They play a leading role in the development and implementation of the strategies to improve the involvement of the scientific community in future crisis situations. In order to address the above aspects, the corresponding political and financial framework conditions are indispensable. The Expert Committee mentions the following points, which the ETH Board would like to underline:International openness: To compete at the highest international level, to attract the best talent and to maintain excellence, international openness and multilateral scientific collaborations are essential. Switzerland’s full association with the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, Euratom Research and Training Programme and ITER is of utmost importance for the ETH Domain. Stable and reliable funding: Only with sufficient financial resources can the ETH Domain continue to fulfil its flagship role for the Swiss ERI sector and – in a context of growth in student numbers – maintain the quality of education and meet the demands of economy, industry and the public sector for highly qualified personnel.

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Il Settore dei PF come attore centrale del modello di successo svizzero

Con le sue due università tecniche e i suoi quattro istituti di ricerca, il settore dei PF contribuisce alla prosperità della Svizzera ed eleva il Paese al rango di grande nazione scientifica. I finanziamenti insufficienti approvati dal Confederazione per il periodo 2025-2028 compromettono questo modello di successo.

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Membri del Consiglio dei PF

Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$widgetType in /home/httpd/vhosts/ethrat.ch/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/maxomedia-starter-child/includes/classes/class-maxomedia-child-helper.php on line 67 Il Consiglio dei PF si compone di un presidente e di dieci ulteriori membri, tutti eletti dal Consiglio federale. In qualità di collegio il Consiglio dei PF dispone delle competenze politiche, scientifiche, economiche, finanziarie e giuridiche necessarie per assicurare lo sviluppo sostenibile del Settore dei PF.

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Measure 2: Coordination of Access to Research Data Management (RDM) Services & Infrastructures

The main goals of this measure are the standardization, federation, or mutualization of existing services and infrastructure across the ETH Domain. It also aims to improve interoperability of existing services and fil gaps, considering the full data lifecycle: data (1) planning, (2) acquisition, (3) processing and analysis, (4) publication and re-use, (5) long-term preservation, (6) disposal. As a starting point, a survey of existing ORD services and infrastructure was conducted. Please see here the result of the landscape analysis.

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Measure 1: Calls for Field-Specific Actions

The primary goal of the measure is to support ETH researchers to engage in, and develop ORD practices and to become ORD leaders in their fields. Its secondary goal — in synergy with Measure 2 — is to strengthen the connections between research communities and services and infrastructures providers. For any questions relative to the calls, please contact: For technical issues: EPFL ReO, Kathryn Forrest – research@epfl.ch. For further information: Eawag: Damien Bouffard Empa: Claudio Mucignat EPFL: Arne Seitz ETH Zurich: openscience@sl.ethz.ch PSI: Uwe Filges WSL: Veruska Muccione   The calls are along three different tracks: Contribute projects will help researchers to contribute to existing open communities built around ORD. They will validate their integration with existing infrastructures (including international ones) and focus on their potential to advance the scientific impact of the field as well as their technical quality. Click here to access the Contribute projects application guidelines - Next deadline: 15 April 2024 Click here to access the Application Portal – please note that the call is hosted on the EPFL Applicant Portal. Should you have an account, please use it. If not, please create one before applying. Click here to access the financed projects. Conflict of interest guidance that is used during the evaluation of the proposals.  Explore projects will allow early phase exploration, testing and prototyping of what an ORD practice could be like. They will enable starting to engage with a community without necessarily building up something definitive. The aim is to help our researchers to explore if ORD practices can be developed and how. The Explore calls are closed. Click here to access the financed projects. Establish projects will allow to establish ORD practices that are already existing, with a research agenda and a common understanding about ORD practices. It would give the possibility to bring it to the next level, improve its scope, and develop projects that can become the de facto standards in a community and raise the quality level.  The Establish call is closed. Click here to access the financed projects.

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Factsheet del Settore dei PF sul Messaggio FRI (in francese)


Classifiche universitarie 2023/2024


Rapporto finanziario 2023 (in inglese)


Rapporto di gestione 2023 (in inglese)


Piano strategico 2025–2028


Report of the Expert Committee


Self-Assessment Report of the ETH Board


Response of the ETH Board


Strategia di cooperazione internazionale 2025-2028: presa di posizione


Strumento di promozione della ricerca SWEETER: presa di posizione


Messagio ERI 2025–2028: Comunicato stampa congiunto dei partner dell'ERI


Consultazione sul messaggio ERI 2025-2028: posizione

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Andreas Aeschbacher

Consiglio dei PF Häldeliweg 15
8092 Zurigo

Alessia Rosati

Consiglio dei PF Häldeliweg 15
8092 Zurigo

Pascale Bruderer

Dott. Martin Würmseher

Finanze Finanza e risorse umane
Consiglio dei PF Häldeliweg 15
8092 Zurigo

Kerstin Tischler

Finanze Finanza e risorse umane
Consiglio dei PF Hirschengraben 3
3011 Berna

Josefa Haas

Responsabile Comunicazione swissuniversities

Michael Seiler

Consiglio dei PF Hirschengraben 3
3011 Berna

Dominic Kamer

Finanze Finanza e risorse umane
Consiglio dei PF Häldeliweg 15
8092 Zurich

Dott.ssa Sabrina Krank

Consiglio dei PF Häldeliweg 15
8092 Zurigo

Dott. Nikolaus Thumm

Consiglio dei PF Häldeliweg 15
8092 Zurigo

Comunicazione DEFR

Simone Tichy Illi

Servizi legali
Consiglio dei PF Häldeliweg 15
8092 Zurigo
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