At its meeting of 5/6 March, the ETH Board took note of the decision of the President of ETH Zurich, Joël Mesot, not to stand for a third term of office, and appointed Annette Oxenius as the new member of the Executive Board of ETH Zurich.
The ETH Board appointed a total of nine women and nine men as professors and awarded the title of professor to six individuals and the title of Professor of Practice to two individuals. It also took note of the resignation of eight professors and thanked them for their services.
The ETH Domain has a great deal of interest in stable relationships with the EU. The free movement of persons is particularly important as is participation in the EU’s programmes for research, education and innovation.

FIT for the future: the organisational development of the ETH Domain
The ETH Board is currently working on the organisational development of the ETH Domain in order to make it fit for the future and identify its optimal organisation and structure. This should ensure that the ETH Domain is better equipped for the urgent challenges now facing it as well as those that lie further ahead.

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion: Strategy 2025–2028
The ETH Domain is committed to ensuring equal opportunities and creating a culture of inclusion and belonging for all its members.