ORD: The five Measures in details
The goals of this measure is to jointly develop improved training resources and teaching material about Research Data Management (RDM) and ORD, and to make them, as well as existing resources available across the ETH Domain.
The measures will follow Open Educational Ressources (OER) principles, with resources structured as small, freely reusable and modifiable modules (using Creative Commons CC-BY license). The goal is to enable individual modules to be used as mini-courses as well as integrated into other trainings, such as institution-specific trainings (e.g data policy-related).
Die Massnahmen werden den Open Educational Ressources (OER) Prinzipien folgen, wobei die Ressourcen als kleine, frei wiederverwendbare und modifizierbare Module (unter Creative Commons CC-BY-Lizenz) aufgebaut sind. Ziel ist es, dass die einzelnen Module als Minikurse genutzt und in andere Schulungen integriert werden können, wie z. B. in institutionsspezifische Schulungen (z. B. zur Datenpolitik).
The goal of this measure is to develop consolidated legal guidelines about ORD, which can be used as a common reference within the ETH Domain. Such a legal document can help shaping policies and practices of the institutions of the ETH Domain with regard to ORD and its implementation. It will be updated as the legal situation changes over time.
To ensure ETH Domain leadership role in ORD, suitable career opportunities must be available to ORD professionals that can attract motivated, skilled people in a highly-competitive market. The goal of this measure is to develop proposals for future career paths of ORD professionals in the ETH Domain.