Strategic Plan 2025–2028 of the ETH Board for the ETH Domain

For the period 2025–2028, the ETH Domain aims to be internationally competitive and to serve Switzerland by addressing important challenges in the context of education, research and innovation. The ETH Board prioritises five Strategic Areas to respond to most pressing global challenges, and in which the ETH Domain is well positioned to have a strong …

Martin Ackermann named as new Eawag director

On 29 June, the Federal Council appointed Martin Ackermann as the new director of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag). Mr Ackermann (51), who is currently Professor for Microbial Systems Ecology at ETH Zurich and a group leader at Eawag, succeeds Janet Hering, who has reached the age of retirement. He …

ETH Domain invests more in measures to promote equal opportunities

At its meeting on 18/19 May, the ETH Board took note of the reports on the measures taken to promote equal opportunities. The institutions of the ETH Domain exceeded the spending targets in this area. These reports are presented to the ETH Board every two years. The ETH Board bade farewell to Professor Gian-Luca Bona, who …

23 new professors appointed at the two Federal Institutes of Technology

At its meeting of 9/10 March 2022 and upon application of the President of ETH Zurich, Professor Joël Mesot, and the President of EPFL, Professor Martin Vetterli, the ETH Board appointed a total of 10 women and 13 men as professors and awarded the title of professor to two individuals. It also took note of …

Innovative Internet technology for the entire ETH Domain

At its meeting on 9/10 March 2022, the ETH Board welcomed the successful completion of the ‘SCION for the ETH Domain’ project. SCION is a secure, fast and reliable Internet architecture developed at ETH Zurich. At the request of the President of the ETH Board, the gratifying result of the equal pay analysis 2020 was …

Federal Council selects new Empa director and confirms office of ETH Zurich president

The Federal Council selected Tanja Zimmermann as the new Empa director on 23 February 2022. She is currently a member of Empa’s senior management. The Federal Council also confirmed Joël Mesot as the president of ETH Zurich for another four years and appointed Christian Rüegg, director of the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, to the ETH …

The ETH Board supports barrier-free European scientific cooperation

The initiative, launched by British and Swiss academic circles, aims to mobilise the European scientific community to re-engage the two countries into the Horizon Europe research programme. The Stick to Science campaign, initiated by the ETH Board together with leading British and Swiss science stakeholders (see below for the initiating organisations), calls on European leaders …