19 new professors appointed at ETH Zurich and EPFL

The President of ETH Zurich, Professor Joël Mesot, and the President of EPFL, Professor Martin Vetterli, the ETH Board appointed a total of 7 women and 12 men as professors and awarded the title of professor to 6 individuals.

ETH Board concerned about planned budget cuts

At its meeting on 8/9 March 2023, the ETH Board was informed of the Federal Council’s planned cutbacks and decided how resources will be allocated to the institutions in 2024 under these conditions. The planned cuts to ERI funding jeopardise the education of highly qualified specialists in Switzerland. The ETH Board also appointed a new …

24 new professors appointed at ETH Zurich and EPFL

At its meeting of 8/9 March 2023 and upon application of the President of ETH Zurich, Professor Joël Mesot, and the President of EPFL, Professor Martin Vetterli, the ETH Board appointed a total of 10 women and 14 men as professors and awarded the title of professor to six individuals. It also took note of …

ETH Domain increases proportion of women appointed to professorships

At its meeting of 7/8 December 2022, the ETH Board was pleased to note that the proportion of women newly appointed to professorships has once again reached a high level. In 2022, this figure stood at 41.7%. The ETH Board bade farewell to Janet Hering, who during her many years’ service as Director of Eawag …

ETH Board invests in additional climate protection measures

At its meeting of 21/22 September 2022, the ETH Board decided to allocate CHF 10 million to additional climate measures in the ETH Domain. These will enable energy consumption and CO2 emissions to be reduced further. It also discussed Horizon Europe. The ETH Board deplores the fact that Switzerland continues to be a non-associated country. …

16 new professors appointed at ETH Zurich and EPFL

At its meeting of 21/22 September 2022 and upon application of the President of ETH Zurich, Professor Joël Mesot, and the President of EPFL, Professor Martin Vetterli, the ETH Board appointed a total of 3 women and 13 men as professors and awarded the title of “Professor of Practice” to one individual. It also took …

List of public contracts awarded by the ETH Board in 2021 exceeding CHF 50,000

Pursuant to Art. 27 of the Ordinance on Public Procurement, contracting authorities subject to the Swiss federal legislation on public procurement are required once a year to report in electronic form on their public contracts exceeding CHF 50,000. In a coordinated campaign together with the other federal contracting authorities, the ETH Board is publishing its …

ETH Board develops Strategic Areas in the fields of sustainability and dialogue with society

At its meeting on 13 July, the ETH Board approved “Joint Initiatives” of the ETH Domain Institutions covering “Energy, Climate and Environmental Sustainability” and “Engagement and Dialogue with Society”. The ETH Board is thus boosting the activities covered by the “Strategic Areas” of the ETH Domain, as defined in its Strategic Plan 2025–2028. In addition, …

New member appointed to the Directorate at WSL

The ETH Board has appointed Dr Thomas Wohlgemuth as the new member of the WSL Directorate with effect from 1 September 2022. This appointment brings the members of the WSL Directorate to seven, of whom three are women and four men. Dr Thomas Wohlgemuth is head of the “Disturbance Ecology” research group at WSL and …

16 new professors appointed at ETH Zurich and EPFL

At its meeting of 13/14 July 2022 and upon application of the President of ETH Zurich, Professor Joël Mesot, and the President of EPFL, Professor Martin Vetterli, the ETH Board appointed a total of 7 women and 9 men as professors and awarded the title of professor to one individual. It also took note of …