FIT for the Future: the organisational development of the ETH Domain
The ETH Board is currently working on the organisational development of the ETH Domain in order to make it fit for the future and identify its optimal organisation and structure. This should ensure that the ETH Domain is better equipped for the urgent challenges now facing it as well as those that lie further ahead. The aim is to create a system in which the outstanding capacities of the ETH Domain’s institutions can be harnessed to address the big societal challenges of our time.
Last updated on 11 March 2025
Switzerland faces major challenges. The ETH Domain therefore needs to be organised in a way that makes it as agile and flexible as possible, in order to swiftly address major new issues such as digitalisation, artificial intelligence, health, energy and the environment. Adapting the organisation and structure of the ETH Domain in a future-oriented way is intended to strengthen cooperation between the institutions, exploit synergies and avoid administrative obstacles. It will also enable partners from the areas of business, science and administration to access the institutions of the ETH Domain more easily, and will strengthen collaboration with them.
Project progress and next steps
At its meeting of 4/5 December 2024, the ETH Board reached a decision in principle and issued mandates for further implementation in 2025. The ETH Board is continuing to hold talks with various stakeholders. In addition to political bodies, these include partner organisations of the research institutes and both ETH, industry federations, the cantons in which the sites are located, and public authorities. Before the ETH Board reaches a decision on which solution it wishes to propose to the Federal Council for implementation, it will conduct a consultation within the ETH Domain as well as with the federal offices. If, in addition to new ways of cooperating, a decision in favour of structural adaptation is also reached, the ETH Board will propose that the Federal Council launches a legislative process to this effect, with the Swiss Parliament having the final word.
Timetable and milestones
From autumn 2023
- Development and further definition of the options for cooperation
- Discussions with stakeholders from politics, industry and society
- August to October: preliminary consultation within the ETH Domain (see summary of results in the report by Interface)
- December: ETH Board’s decision in principle
- Consultation in the ETH Domain and office consultation
- Decision by the ETH Board
- Request to the owner or Federal Council, followed by legislative procedure if necessary
Objectives of the project and the ETH Board's decision in principle
Background to the organisational development
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