Advanced Manufacturing
The manufacturing industry is currently undergoing radical change. Increasing digitalisation and a more intensive interlinkage between IT systems, machines and products are creating completely new opportunities in the field of production processes and manufacturing technologies, too. These advances are of great significance for Swiss industry since they pave the way for extremely innovative developments in goods manufacturing.
Through their strategic focus area Advanced Manufacturing, the institutions of the ETH Domain are seeking to contribute towards ensuring that Switzerland will remain a world leader in this area and be able to counteract any further de-industrialisation of the country. This strategic focus area is also intended to promote cooperation among the ETH Domain’s research institutions and to enable them to conduct joint research projects in the field of Advanced Manufacturing.
The programme of the strategic focus area Advanced Manufacturing covers five aspects: precision free-form manufacturing, printed electronics, sustainable digital manufacturing and design, sensing technologies and advanced automation. Additional pertinent information can be found on the strategic focus website: www.sfa-am.ch.
For Advanced Manufacturing to deliver the greatest practical benefits possible, cooperation with industry will occupy a prominent position. In addition, representatives of industrial partners have significant roles to play in the steering committee of the focus area.