Measure 1: Calls for Field-Specific Actions

The primary goal of the measure is to support ETH researchers to engage in, and develop ORD practices and to become ORD leaders in their fields.

Its secondary goal — in synergy with Measure 2 — is to strengthen the connections between research communities and services and infrastructures providers.

For any questions relative to the calls, please contact:

For technical issues: EPFL ReO, Kathryn Forrest –

For further information:


The calls are along three different tracks:

Contribute projects will help researchers to contribute to existing open communities built around ORD. They will validate their integration with existing infrastructures (including international ones) and focus on their potential to advance the scientific impact of the field as well as their technical quality.

Click here to access the Contribute projects application guidelines – Next deadline: 30 September 2024

Click here to access the Application Portal – please note that the call is hosted on the EPFL Applicant Portal. Should you have an account, please use it. If not, please create one before applying.

Click here to access the financed projects.

Conflict of interest guidance that is used during the evaluation of the proposals. 

Explore projects will allow early phase exploration, testing and prototyping of what an ORD practice could be like. They will enable starting to engage with a community without necessarily building up something definitive. The aim is to help our researchers to explore if ORD practices can be developed and how.

The Explore calls are closed.

Click here to access the financed projects.

Establish projects will allow to establish ORD practices that are already existing, with a research agenda and a common understanding about ORD practices. It would give the possibility to bring it to the next level, improve its scope, and develop projects that can become the de facto standards in a community and raise the quality level. 

The Establish call is closed.

Click here to access the financed projects.