President, vice president and members of ETH Board reappointed

On 26 June the Federal Council reappointed ETH Board president Michael Hengartner, its vice president Pascale Bruderer and all current board members. The ETH Board is the ETH Domain’s strategic management and supervisory body.

The Federal Council has reappointed ETH Board president Michael Hengartner, in office since February 2020, vice president Pascale Bruderer, in office since January 2024, and members Marc Bürki, Beatrice Fasana and Cornelia Ritz Bossicard for the entire 2025–28 term of office. Susan Gasser and Christiane Leister will leave the board at the end of 2025 and have thus been reappointed for one year. The Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research will conduct a public recruitment process to fill these two seats.

Christian Rüegg, representative of the research institutes, was reappointed until the end of 2028. Kristin Becker van Slooten will continue in her role as representative of the ETH Zurich and EPFL university assemblies until her planned departure at the end of 2026. ETH Zurich president Joël Mesot and incoming EPFL president Anna Fontcuberta i Morral are automatically members because of their respective presidencies.

The ETH Board is the ETH Domain’s strategic management and supervisory body. The ETH Domain comprises the two Swiss federal institutes of technology ETH Zurich and EPFL, as well as the four research institutes PSI, WSL, Empa und Eawag.

Media release of the Federal Council



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