Federal Council appoints Vice President and new member of ETH Board

On 24 June 2020, the Federal Council elected the members of the ETH Board for the period 2021-2024, appointing in the process long-standing member Barbara Haering as Vice President and Cornelia Ritz Bossicard as a new member of the ETH Board. The Federal Council replaced incumbent Vice President Beth Krasna, who will step down at the end of 2020. All previous members of the ETH Board and President Michael Hengartner stood for re-election and their appointment was confirmed.

The Federal Council appointed Barbara Haering (*1953) as the new Vice President. She has been a member of the ETH Board since 2008 and has chaired the Audit Committee since May 2019. Barbara Haering is a recognised expert in higher education strategy and policy and has extensive experience gained as a member of the ETH Board and other higher education policymaking bodies. She also served as Vice President of the ETH Board ad interim from May 2019 to January 2020.

The Federal Council also appointed Cornelia Ritz Bossicard (*1972) as a new member of the ETH Board. She is an economist and independent board member. With over 20 years of experience in technology, trade and industry, she has solid expertise in the relevant areas of strategic planning, finance and corporate governance. As a long-standing chairperson of several audit committees, she also has a proven track record of experience in financial oversight, thus ensuring that the knowledge and skills that Beth Krasna brought to the ETH Board will be retained in the future.

Barbara Haering as Vice President and Cornelia Ritz Bossicard as a new member of the ETH Board will be taking over the responsibilities of Beth Krasna after she steps down at the end of 2020. Beth Krasna has been a member of the ETH Board since 2003 and served as President of the ETH Board ad interim from May 2019 to January 2020.

The Federal Council confirmed the appointments of Marc Bürki, Beatrice Fasana, Susan Gasser, Christiane Leister and Gian-Luca Bona (representative of the research institutes of the ETH Domain) and Kristin Becker (delegate of the university assemblies of ETH Zurich and EPFL). ETH Zurich President Joël Mesot and EPFL President Martin Vetterli are members of the ETH Board by virtue of their position. Michael Hengartner was also re-elected as ETH Board President, a position that he has held since February 2020. The ETH Board is the strategic planning and supervisory body of the ETH Domain. The ETH Domain consists of the two Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH Zurich and EPFL) and four federal research institutes PSI, WSL, EMPA and EAWAG.