Federal Council appoints new vice president and member of the ETH Board

On 5 July, the Federal Council appointed Beth Krasna, a longstanding Board member, vice president of the ETH Board. She will take over from Paul Herrling, whose term of office expires at the end of 2017. The Federal Council also appointed Susan Gasser to the ETH Board. Beth Krasna and Susan Gasser will take up their posts on 1 January 2018.

Beth Krasna (born 1953) has been a member of the ETH Board since 2003 and has been chair of the Audit Committee since 2008. Beth Krasna is an independent board member in Geneva. She has outstanding international connections and is well acquainted with the tasks of the Board and the challenges faced by the institutions of the ETH Domain in a scientific and political context. With the appointment of Beth Krasna both genders and the German and French-speaking regions of Switzerland are now represented at the head of the ETH Board.

Susan Gasser (born 1955) is director of the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, and professor for molecular biology at the University of Basel. She is among the leading scientists in her field and one of the most prominent figures in Switzerland in the field of life sciences. In addition to her outstanding academic profile she brings with her a wealth of expertise in science and innovation policy issues relevant to the ETH Board thanks to her longstanding work for the Swiss National Science Foundation, Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and the Swiss Science and Innovation Council.

The ETH Board is the ETH Domain’s strategic management and supervisory body. The members of the ETH Board are appointed by the Federal Council at the recommendation of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER). The current president is Fritz Schiesser. The ETH Domain comprises the two federal institutes of technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) and Lausanne (EPFL), as well as the four research institutes: the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa), and the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)..



Gian-Andri Casutt

Head of Communications

+41 58 856 86 06


ETH Board

Häldeliweg 15

8092 Zurich


Gian-Andri Casutt

Head of Communications

+41 58 856 86 06


ETH Board

Häldeliweg 15

8092 Zurich