Representation of the interests of the ETH Domain
ERI policy
The ETH Board prepares statements for submission to the Confederation on parliamentary initiatives, on consultations in the Federal Administration and on Federal Council consultations. In addition, the President of the ETH Board is at the disposal of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research and of the relevant committees of the National Council and Council of States. The President also coordinates with the other relevant offices and committees, in particular the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), the Swiss Conference of Higher Education Institutions and the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Communication and public affairs
The ETH Board represents the interests of the ETH Domain to the public, particularly regarding national policy on education, research and innovation. Within its rules of procedure, the ETH Board undertakes to ensure honest, appropriate and transparent communication for the benefit of society. In addition, the ETH Board is intent on explaining its decisions and on strengthening the ETH Domain’s role and reputation. The responsibility for communication resides with the President.
The ETH Board’s key external communication tools are its annual report to the federal government, the website, media relations work (media conferences, media releases about meetings, etc.) and the case-by-case illumination of relevant facts and positions.