Internal Audit
The Internal Audit team provides independent and objective auditing and advisory services for the ETH Board and the institutions of the ETH Domain (Art. 35a Para. 1 ETH Act and Art. 11 Federal Audit Office Act). These services are geared towards creating added value and improving business processes. With a systematic and targeted approach, the team supports the institutions in achieving their objectives by verifying and assessing the effectiveness of the risk management, internal control, auditing and monitoring systems, as well as the governance processes. The key criteria it applies in this supervisory activity are: compliance, lawfulness, cost-effectiveness and efficacy. In particular, alongside the requirements of the Confederation, the Internal Audit team also follows the standards of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), an international professional association.
The Internal Audit team carries out its tasks autonomously and independently. It reports to the President of the ETH Board for administrative purposes and to the Audit Committee of the ETH Board for functional purposes. The internal auditors have an unrestricted right to information; they can inspect all files and demand all information that they deem necessary in order to perform their duties.