Based on Article 18 of its Rules of Procedure, the ETH Board established two committees, an Audit Committee and an Executive Committee.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee and the Executive Committee assist the ETH Board in the fulfilment of its functions. The Audit Committee assists the ETH Board in financial supervision and in the monitoring of risk management, of the internal control system and of financial auditing activities. It is generally composed of three ETH Board members who are independent of the executive management, but may also involve additional people in a consultative capacity. The head of the Internal Audit department and the head of the Finance section of the ETH Board’s staff attend the meetings. The Audit Committee is chaired by Cornelia Ritz Bossicard, member of the ETH Board.
Executive Committee
On behalf of the ETH Board, the Executive Committee develops strategic alternatives for selected items of business for the attention of the Board and supports the ETH Board in filling key positions, in personnel matters (employment terms and conditions, annual salary measures, pension plans) and in cultivating contacts with social partners. The Executive Committee is composed of the President of the ETH Board, the Presidents of the two Federal Institutes of Technology , as well as representatives of the research institutes and the University Assemblies. It is chaired by Prof. Dr Michael Hengartner, President of the ETH Board.