New appointments at ETH Zurich
Professor Karl Bringmann (*1986), currently Professor at Saarland University, Germany, as Full Professor of Theoretical Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science. Karl Bringmann specialises in the design of combinatorial algorithms and fine-grained complexity. The field of research he launched was able to provide the first rigorous evidence that certain computational problems cannot be solved in linear time and that classical algorithms with quadratic time complexity are best suited to these problems. His groundbreaking research has attracted several prestigious awards, including an ERC Starting Grant in 2019. In addition, Karl Bringmann is an excellent teacher and supervisor. Through his appointment, the Department is strengthening the research area of algorithms and complexity, and expanding its teaching capacity.
Dr Yannis Chronis (*1991), currently Systems Research Engineer in the Systems Research Group at Google, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Database Management Systems in the Department of Computer Science. The research conducted by Yannis Chronis is firmly anchored in data management. He has performed pioneering work in the areas of planning, query optimisation, indexing and a broad spectrum of algorithms and data structures used in databases. At ETH Zurich, Yannis Chronis wishes to continue researching the development of associative processors to accelerate analytic query workloads. With this appointment, the Department is strengthening its coverage of key topics in computer science, such as databases, data management and computer systems, and fostering synergies with research institutes and other departments.
Professor Tristan März (*1987), currently Associate Professor at the University of Michigan and Associate Professor with Tenure at the University of Michigan Medical School, USA, as Associate Professor of Musculoskeletal Bioengineering in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology. The main research focus of Tristan März is on diseases of the musculoskeletal system and its regeneration, with particular emphasis on the immunological mechanisms of arthritis and the development of new intra-articular therapeutics. Tristan März is a grant reviewer for NIH and other US institutions and has also been awarded a number of prestigious research grants himself. Through his appointment, the Department is strengthening the research area of musculoskeletal health and expanding its links with other departments, PSI, Empa and local hospitals.
Dr Sarah Meissner (*1988), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich, as Assistant Professor of Brain-Body Regulation in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology. Sarah Meissner’s research focuses on brain functions and their modulation, as well as their effects on other bodily functions and (mental) health. She has developed a new method based on the connection between changes in the pupil and the excitation state of the brain. Sarah Meissner was awarded an SNSF Starting Grant. In making this appointment, the Department is strengthening the intradepartmental links between the human neurosciences, neurobiology and mental health.
Professor Paola Passalacqua (*1977), currently Full Professor at the University of Texas, Austin, USA, as Full Professor of Hydrology and River System Science in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. Paola Passalacqua’s research lies at the intersection of water management, geomorphology and hydrology. Her work covers four main areas: the structure and dynamics of river deltas, hydrological connectivity, flood risks and their increasing repercussions. She is committed to modern, research-oriented teaching. With the appointment of Paola Passalacqua, the Department and Eawag are starting a new chapter in the highly topical area of hydrology and river system science.
Dr Diana Prado Lopes Aude Craik (*1988), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich, as Assistant Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics. Diana Prado Lopes Aude Craik’s research focuses on reviewing physical principles with the help of well-controlled quantum systems, especially atomic ions trapped in electromagnetic fields. In future she would like to continue her search for parity violations in barium ions. She is an active teacher and science communicator. The appointment of Diana Prado Lopes Aude Craik, who has been awarded an SNSF Starting Grant, builds on the Department’s expertise in the field of quantum control and promotes synergies with other research fields.
Professor Joel Zindel (*1986), currently SNSF Assistant Professor and Staff Surgeon at Inselspital (University Hospital of Bern and University of Bern), as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Tissue Repair in the Department of Biology. Joel Zindel’s research is concerned with the mechanisms of tissue damage and repair processes. It has a particular focus on peritoneal injuries and the adhesions that often form after operations. These are caused by an abnormal repair process for which there is as yet no treatment available, and which Joel Zindel is investigating using molecular and cell biology and with the help of imaging methods. Joel Zindel’s appointment strengthens the Department in the field of biomedicine with a focus on tissue repair, and enhances its collaboration with Zurich University Hospital and other hospitals.
Promotions at ETH Zurich
Professor Athina Anastasaki (*1988), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Sustainable Polymers in the Department of Materials. Athina Anastasaki’s research focuses on synthetic polymers, especially for controlling polymer synthesis. A particularly notable achievement was the development and investigation of depolymerisation processes for methacrylate polymers, which are of major importance in recycling plastics. Her research results have industrial applications. Athina Anastasaki has received various awards for her work, including an ERC Starting Grant. Through this appointment, the Department is retaining an extremely intelligent and talented scientist and securing its leading global position in polymer science.
Professor Sebastian Dötterl (*1982), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Soil Resources in the Department of Environmental Systems Science. Sebastian Dötterl is a globally acknowledged expert in soil erosion and its effects on the carbon cycle. Furthermore, he is one of the world’s leading specialists in carbon dynamics in tropical soils. He investigates the integrated interactions and feedback effects between soil, plants and micro-organisms. His findings are of eminent significance for the environmental sciences and for society in general. Sebastian Dötterl is a member of numerous research networks and professional associations. In making this appointment, the Department is retaining an esteemed colleague and an internationally renowned and innovative researcher.
Professor Taekwang Jang (*1983), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, as Associate Professor of Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Taekwang Jang’s research focuses on the design of mixed analogue-digital circuits for miniaturised computer systems. He is especially interested in designing ultra low power circuit components used in miniaturised computer systems with a very limited energy budget, such as for wireless sensor nodes or in biomedical electronics. Taekwang Jang’s work has already had an impact on various branches of science and industry, ranging from the Internet of Things and human-machine interfaces through to artificial intelligence, and has won several awards. This appointment enables the Department to boost its international visibility in the field of analogue and mixed signal circuits over the longer term.
Professor Sereina Riniker (*1985), currently Associate Professor at ETH Zurich, as Full Professor of Computational Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences. Sereina Riniker’s research, for which she has won multiple awards, is in the area of computational and theoretical chemistry, with a focus on developing new methods and software for molecular dynamics computer simulations and cheminformatics. She devotes herself to highly complex molecular interconnections, which are of growing importance to the development of new drugs, for example. Sereina Riniker nurtures extensive scientific collaborations worldwide with universities, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and institutes. This esteemed and dedicated colleague, teacher and mentor is an exemplary member of the Department, which she enriches.
Professor Christoph Studer (*1979), currently Associate Professor at ETH Zurich, as Full Professor of Integrated Information Processing in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Christoph Studer’s research lies at the intersection of wireless communication, machine learning, digital signal processing, numerical optimisation and the design of integrated circuits. Over the past ten years this multiple award-winning researcher has developed into an internationally recognised expert in the fields of information processing, design of integrated circuits, and wireless communication. Christoph Studer is a committed and successful teacher who makes an outstanding contribution to the Department as a head of institute.
New appointments at EPFL
Dr Laurent Dufour (*1988), currently Experimental Physicist at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, as Assistant Professor of Physics in the School of Basic Sciences. As part of his CONNECT project, Laurent Dufour conducts research into unanswered questions relating to the charm quark system. His aim is to reach unambiguous conclusions about the decay of charm quarks as key indicators for physics beyond the Standard Model. Data from the recently modernised LCHb experiment is used in this research. Laurent Dufour’s project has been awarded an SNSF Starting Grant, which represents a major gain for EPFL and its School of Basic Sciences. This research project will further strengthen the existing link between EPFL’s Institute of Physics and CERN. It will also offer students numerous opportunities to undertake sub-projects and exploratory work.
Dr Alexandra Kushnir (*1985), currently Research and Teaching Associate at EPFL, as Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Alexandra Kushnir has been working at EPFL since 2022, when she founded the Rock Physics and Geofluids Laboratory (RPGL). Her SNSF Starting Grant “FuSE-EGS: Fracture Sealing and Reactivation in Enhanced Geothermal Systems” focuses on the evolution of permeability and strength of fractured rocks subjected to rock-fluid interactions. Through this grant, Alexandra Kushnir will contribute to both research and teaching in the area of geothermal energy at EPFL.
Dr Chiara Perrina (*1988), currently Scientist and Lecturer at EPFL, as Assistant Professor of Physics in the School of Basic Sciences. Chiara Perrina is an astroparticle physicist who analyses data from the Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE). She also works on technological developments and Monte Carlo simulations for optimising FIT, the scintillating fibre tracker of the HERD space mission. Chiara Perrina has been awarded an SNSF Starting Grant for her current research project, SPACER. Her project enables the School to make a decisive contribution to the further development of astroparticle physics. Chiara Perrina will supervise young researchers, offer a Master’s course in astroparticle physics, and support EPFL’s commitment to scientific progress, industrial cooperations and social relevance.
Dr Yihui Quek (*1993), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Communication Systems in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences as well as Physics in the School of Basic Sciences. Yihui Quek’s research takes place at the intersection of several fundamental areas of quantum information science, especially the theory of quantum learning, error correction in quantum computers, the investigation of noise in quantum systems, and quantum resource theory. Through her work she provides fundamental theoretical answers to some of the critical challenges of quantum physics and quantum information science. Yihui Quek is a brilliant scientist and mentor, whose interdisciplinary expertise is an ideal match with the strategy of EPFL and the Centre for Quantum Science and Engineering.
Dr Priya Ramakrishna (*1989), currently Postdoctoral Researcher at EPFL, as Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Priya Ramakrishna’s research, for which she is the recipient of an SNSF Starting Grant, focuses on understanding the cellular adaptation strategies of plants to their environment. Her interdisciplinary work combines a novel high-resolution cryo-elemental imaging approach with cell biology and functional physiological analyses. This new level of observation assists our understanding of the precise mechanisms used by plants to cope with stress. Priya Ramakrishna’s findings are of interest in relation to key agricultural crops, for example. Her work is a great asset to research and teaching in the areas of environmental science and environmental engineering at EPFL.
Promotion at EPFL
Professor Dusan Licina (*1986), currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, as Associate Professor of Civil Engineering in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dusan Licina is an expert in indoor air quality, specialising pollution sources, their dynamics and their impact on human inhalation exposure. His research focuses on developing advanced strategies for environmental control in buildings, balancing indoor air quality, occupant well-being, and energy efficiency. Combining experimental laboratory and field studies with numerical and analytical modelling, he provides innovative solutions to pressing challenges in indoor environments. Thanks to his award-winning work at international level and his visionary, independent approach to establishing his own research area, Dusan Licina is an important asset to EPFL.
Award of the title of “Professor” at ETH Zurich
Dr Catharina Bening (*1980), currently Senior Scientist and Lecturer at ETH Zurich, as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Management, Technology and Economics. Catharina Bening’s economic research spans the entire value chain, from production and product use through to end-of-life considerations. She has a particular focus on the impacts of different circular strategies and policies on nature conservation. Her research at the interface of technology, management and policy is of strategic importance to the Department and to ETH Zurich.
Dr Daniella Laureiro Martinez (*1980), currently Senior Scientist and Lecturer at ETH Zurich, as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Management, Technology and Economics. Daniella Laureiro Martinez conducts research on the cognitive foundations of strategic decision-making and adaptive behaviour in organisations. Her interdisciplinary work deals with two of the Department’s key focus areas – “Responsible Digital Transformation” and “Sustainability” – and greatly enriches the research strategy of the Department, which aspires to achieve a leading position in the field of management.
Dr Michael Siegenthaler (*1985), currently Senior Scientist and Lecturer at ETH Zurich, as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Management, Technology and Economics. Michael Siegenthaler’s research interests lie in the fields of labour economics and migration. He investigates the impacts of minimum wages, immigration restrictions, short-time working and exchange rates on corporate demand for workers. Michael Siegenthaler has developed the Research Division Swiss Labour Market – which he leads – into a central pillar of the KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich. He is a great asset to the Department.
Dr Maksym Yarema (*1985), currently Senior Scientist and Lecturer at ETH Zurich, as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Maksym Yarema’s research takes place at the intersection of natural and engineering science, investigating the relationships between materials and performance. His mission is to combine chemistry and materials with electronics. As the recipient of an ERC Starting Grant, he has already served as an assistant professor of nanoscale storage devices at ETH Zurich and now wishes to develop the field of phase change memory, among others, and extend his studies to tellurides containing rare earths and chalcogenide-based selector components with an oval threshold value.
Award of the title of “Professor” at EPFL
Dr Andreas Schüler (*1971), currently Senior Scientist at EPFL, as Adjunct Professor in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Andreas Schüler’s research combines materials science with new processing and manufacturing methods. He works on nanotechnologies for converting solar energy and has built one of the world’s leading laboratories for conducting cutting-edge research in this field. This has enabled him to make a direct contribution to the energy transition in Switzerland and worldwide. Andreas Schüler is also highly esteemed as a lecturer and is an asset to research and teaching at EPFL.
Dr Jan Skaloud (*1969), currently Senior Scientist at EPFL, as Adjunct Professor in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Jan Skaloud teaches and conducts research on satellite positioning, inertial navigation, sensor calibration and photogrammetry, thus addressing important challenges in the field of energy security and the environment. His research has connections with industry and Swiss institutions such as the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport. The combination of academic interactions, industrial partnerships and technology transfer makes him a great asset to EPFL.
Award of the title of “Professor of Practice” at ETH Zurich
Dr Lukas Imbach (*1977), currently Medical Director and Head of Research of the Swiss Epilepsy Centre at Klinik Lengg in Zurich, as Professor of Practice in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich. Lukas Imbach is an outstanding clinician, lecturer and researcher who has contributed significantly to the treatment of epilepsy and to neurophysiology. He has wide-ranging clinical and scientific experience in neurophysiological diagnostics and neuromodulation with invasive approaches; these provide a unique opportunity to measure and modulate human brain activity – something that ETH Zurich lacks at present. Lukas Imbach is ideally suited to continue building the long-term partnership between ETH Zurich and the Swiss Epilepsy Centre at Klinik Lengg.
Award of the title of “Professor of Practice” at EPFL
Peter Kummer (*1965), currently Head of Infrastructure at SBB and a member of its Management Board, as Professor of Practice in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL. Peter Kummer brings invaluable expertise in managing rail systems in the face of climate change, tackling optimisation challenges under rigorous sustainability and financial constraints. At EPFL, he will leverage his extensive knowledge of corporate management and information technology to significantly enrich the new Master’s in Urban Systems and the Master’s in Civil Engineering. Moreover, this appointment further strengthens EPFL’s partnership with SBB and underscores its commitment to nurturing and training of the next generation of engineers and innovators.
Departures from ETH Zurich
Professor Andrea Burden (*1983), currently Associate Professor of Pharmacoepidemiology in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, will leave ETH Zurich at the end of May 2025. Andreas Burden joined ETH Zurich in 2018 as a tenure track assistant professor. Her research focuses on pharmacoepidemiology. This investigates the use and effects of medicines on the population. Having established this research area at ETH Zurich, Andrea Burden represented and further developed it in Switzerland. She is leaving ETH Zurich to take up a position at another university.
Professor Ueli Maurer (*1960), currently Full Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science, is to retire at the end of July 2025. Ueli Maurer joined ETH Zurich as an assistant professor in 1992. His research focuses on theoretical informatics and discrete mathematics, with particular reference to cryptography and IT security. His important achievements include his universal statistical test for random bit generators, the “Secret Key Agreement by Public Discussion from Common Information”, the concept of indifferentiability, and his “constructive cryptography” theory, which enables cryptography to be handled in a novel, abstract and simplified way, thereby resolving dilemmas previously thought to be unavoidable. Ueli Maurer has won numerous awards for his work and is a very dedicated, successful and highly popular university teacher. He has made a significant contribution to ETH Zurich, including by serving as Director of Studies for his department and participating in several committees.
Professor Judit Szulágyi (*1987), currently Assistant Professor of Computational Astrophysics in the Department of Physics, is leaving ETH Zurich at the end of March 2025. Judit Szulágyi was appointed to the post of assistant professor at ETH Zurich in 2020. Her research concentrates on the circumplanetary discs formed around giant planets and ranges from planet and moon formation to the merging of black holes through accretion discs at different scales. She has won several awards and made a very good contribution to teaching at ETH Zurich. Judit Szulágyi is leaving ETH Zurich to take up the post of Director of Research and Higher Education at Nvidia Switzerland.
Professor Christian Wolfrum (*1972), currently Full Professor of Translational Nutrition Biology in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology, is to leave ETH Zurich at the end of June 2025. Christian Wolfrum joined ETH Zurich as a research group leader in 2007 and became an assistant professor in 2008. His research is concerned with molecular and genetic control mechanisms in intermediary metabolism and investigates their connection with the development of metabolic diseases such as obesity and Type 2 diabetes. As Vice President for Research, Christian Wolfrum has initiated important developments while on the Executive Board, having in particular strengthened medicine-related research and significantly expanded the corresponding network at ETH Zurich, and especially its cooperation with hospitals. He is leaving ETH Zurich in order to take up the post of Deputy President and Provost of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore.
Departures from EPFL
Professor Robert Dalang (*1961), currently Full Professor of Probabilities in the School of Basic Sciences, is to retire at the end of February 2026. Robert Dalang joined EPFL as an associate professor in 1995. His research, which has been published in numerous articles, investigates stochastic processes and probability theory. He has taught a wide variety of courses at all levels and has always played a very active role at his institute and at EPFL, especially by serving on different committees. For more than 30 years, Robert Dalang has had an extremely positive impact on mathematics at EPFL. His commitment to teaching and his services to the School have contributed significantly to the growth and international recognition of EPFL.
Professor Giovanni De Micheli (*1955), currently Full Professor of Integrated Systems in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences and the School of Engineering, will retire at the end of November 2025. Giovanni De Micheli joined EPFL as a full professor in 2005. His research focuses on design technologies for integrated circuits and systems, including nanosystems, 3D design and biosensors. It has often anticipated technological trends and has had a direct influence on the way in which integrated circuits and systems are now designed and manufactured. World-recognized in the highest spheres of the domain, Giovanni De Micheli has been an asset to EPFL in many ways and has helped EPFL gain its leading position in the field of integrated systems. He leaves behind a lasting legacy at EPFL and in the international scientific community.
Professor Pierre Dillenbourg (*1960), currently Full Professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, is to retire at the end of February 2026. Pierre Dillenbourg joined EPFL as an associate professor in 2002. He has leveraged his in-depth research on digital learning technologies to advance education at local, national, and international levels. A pioneer of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) in the 1990s, he has worked to transform professional education by creating technology-enhanced learning environments that promote the acquisition of professional skills in various fields. His work has played a significant role in reshaping the educational sector. Pierre Dillenbourg has also been instrumental in developing Switzerland’s EdTech start-up ecosystem and in transferring educational technologies from the lab to real-world settings. He has held numerous leadership positions at EPFL, including Associate Vice President for Education since 2020 and Interim Provost in 2024.
Professor Hilal Lashuel (*1973), currently Associate Professor of Life Sciences in the School of Life Sciences, will leave EPFL at the end of March 2025. Hilal Lashuel joined EPFL in 2004 as a tenure track assistant professor. He is an internationally acclaimed expert in the investigation of protein misfolding and aggregation and their role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. During his 20-year career at EPFL, he has taught numerous students, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers. Hilal Lashuel is leaving EPFL to take up a new post as Executive Director of Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) at Qatar Foundation and as RDI Advisor to the President of Qatar Foundation.
The ETH Board would like to thank the departing professors for their services to science, teaching and academic administration.